Decorative pepper care. How to properly grow ornamental peppers at home

The color and shape of the plant's fruits are very different, regardless of the care provided. Decorative peppers have many varieties, and each of them gives the vegetable certain characteristics. The shape of the product can be elongated, round or oval, flattened or not.

Decorative peppers come in a wide variety of varieties and colors.

Description of the plant

The name of the ornamental pepper is capsicum. Caring for and growing peppers is carried out at home or in the open ground. The scope of application of the grown product is wide: food product, medicinal product. Decorative peppers have a pungent taste and belong to the nightshade family. Decorative peppers are used in preparing dishes, spices or medicinal infusions.

The place of origin is concentrated in America and Asia. The composition of nightshades includes many beneficial substances and vitamins. In Russia, ornamental peppers are grown as a houseplant, without the goal of producing edible fruits. The appearance of the plant is beautiful and colorful, which explains its popularity and love among housewives.

Decorative pepper has several varieties:

  • small;
  • large;
  • blunt-nosed;
  • pointed;
  • cylindrical;
  • pear-shaped;
  • short;
  • long.

Pepper fruits can grow upward, or they can slope downward. Small nightshade grows at home in pots, or on a large scale: in a greenhouse, and on a plot. Although such cultivation is not very common. The indoor flower is still widespread due to its attractive appearance and long service life.

A beautiful appearance requires effort and time to get a houseplant at home.

The fruiting period of a houseplant at home is four years, if you provide it with proper care.

To get a beautiful plant, the bush needs to be shaped

Houseplant care

Care and cultivation of miracle peppers is carried out in a temperature regime that does not exceed twenty-five degrees. The room in which you grow peppers should be ventilated. The little nightshade miracle loves light and sunlight, for this reason the plant is often taken outside to allow it to sunbathe.

It is necessary to provide the plant with abundant, but not excessive watering. To keep the plant beautiful and healthy, it should be provided with additional light. In autumn and spring, fifteen degrees is a sufficient temperature if the plant is cared for in a bright room.

When the first shoots form on a flower, you need to pinch it. This is a mandatory measure for caring for nightshade. It prevents it from growing chaotically and forms a beautiful, healthy bush.

Pruning is also an important measure; it is carried out after the plant has finished flowering. Fertilizer is added to peppers one to two times a week.

In winter, the flower does not need fertilizer; if additional lighting is used, the plant is fertilized once every four weeks.

If you replant a flower once a year, you can preserve the plant for a long period of time and provide it with a longer period of fruiting. If you regularly spray the plant, you can avoid falling leaves and fruits, which often occur due to lack of moisture.

To obtain peppers, the flowers must be pollinated independently.

Abundant fruiting is ensured through pollination, which you will have to do yourself. It bears fruit without this measure, but it helps increase the volume of the fruit.

Plant care is based on:

  1. Selection of planting material and its preparation for sowing.
  2. Soil cultivation.
  3. Sowing seeds.
  4. Growing and care.
  5. Watering, loosening the soil, fertilizing.
  6. Trimming and pinching.

Pepper is sowed by seeds and cuttings. Planting by cuttings is carried out in summer and winter. This is the most suitable time period for planting. Shoots are cut for cuttings. and planted in prepared soil.

Plant care is ensured properly if watering, lighting and fertilizer are provided regularly and in a timely manner. Pepper loves light, so it should often be exposed to sunlight.

If the plant is planted in a pot, it can be illuminated using lamps that will provide the plant with additional light. Fertilizers are added once a week or once a month. Depending on the climate.

Pepper has a complex of useful substances and a beautiful appearance, which pleases the breeder if he, in turn, has provided proper care to the planting material. Ornamental chilies require little care through a consistent natural care process.

I am a city dweller, but I have a rural soul: I love germinating seeds and caring for various plants. Unfortunately, we live in a small two-room apartment, and buying a summer house is only a long-term plan for now. But I have perfectly mastered the art of growing vegetables on the windowsill.

Cucumbers, tomatoes, herbs - all this has been producing fruit in our house for many years. One of the last crops I mastered was hot pepper. We almost never eat it (there are children in the family, so I only cook diet food), but the multi-colored photo on the bag of seeds looked very tasty...

The hot fruits of this pepper can be added to marinades, rolls, soups, and meat dishes. Don't have time to consume the entire harvest at once? Peppers can be dried petals or whole, and then ground into powder.

My husband likes mead with pepper (per liter of vodka - 3 tablespoons of honey + several large pepper pods, leave in the dark for more than a month, the longer the better).

A stronger alcoholic pepper tincture (with more pepper) can be used as a rub for rheumatism or colds. Moreover, if there is a viral or cold in the family, such a pepper should be kept on the windowsill of the patient’s room - doctors assure that it cleanses the air of dangerous bacteria.

But! Not only the fruits of this plant have a pungent taste - even the leaves and stems of the pepper are caustic and poisonous. So if your cat gnaws on flowerpots, it’s better to grow not chili, but ornamental grass: your beloved animal will have a treat, and you will have a calm heart.

The best types and varieties for the windowsill

Different peppers differ in the color and shape of the fruits, as well as the time of their appearance. It is best to buy varieties whose height is no more than 45 cm... Or seeds whose bags are labeled “Balcony” or “For growing in an apartment.”

Annual pepper

This is indoor paprika - these varieties are not the hottest, on the contrary, they are even somewhat sweet.

The bushes of this pepper rarely grow larger than half a meter, but often the maximum growth of such plants is 35 cm.

The most popular varieties:

  • "Redskin."
  • “Tepin” (it’s him in the photo above).
  • "Siberian Prince"

But probably the most interesting variety can be called “Little Miracle” - a small traffic light. At first these peppers are green, then yellow, then (you won’t believe it!) purple, and only at the end of ripening the standard peppery red color.

The bushes grow compact - no higher than 25 cm. They can grow outdoors, but all manufacturers recommend growing this variety in pots.

Cayenne (shrub)

A perennial that will gratefully bear fruit on your balcony or windowsill for up to six years.

This is a compact plant: this pepper grows up to 15-45 cm in height. Each bush can bear up to 50 peppercorns.

The most interesting varieties:

  • "Firework".
  • "Carmen" (pictured).
  • "Bride".


The species is named so because of the interesting shape of the peppers - they are flattened, like squash. You will like the taste - in addition to the characteristic spiciness, they have sweetness.

The bushes grow up to 80 cm, so they should be grown not on a window, but on an insulated balcony.

You can buy seeds of the following varieties:

  • "White Crystal"
  • “Lemon lollipop” (pictured).
  • "Bishop's Crown"


Half-meter bushes grow very slowly, so this species is not very popular with us - it cannot withstand competition with other species.

Peppers come in different shapes; you can even find a variety with lantern fruits.

The most notable varieties:

  • "The Devil's Tongue" (pictured above).
  • "Santa Lucia"
  • "Devil's Yellow"


A tall species that can sometimes be seen on balconies. But more often these meter-long peppers are grown in greenhouses or open beds.

The species is named so because the stem, leaves, and even flowers have a slight edge.

You will hear more about choosing indoor varieties with an overview of already fruiting bushes here:

Remember! When purchasing seeds of any variety, look at the date of manufacture! Seed storability is not the highest. Some manufacturers may write that seeds can be stored for up to 5 years. But it is not a fact that they will germinate well for all 5 years.

Buy seeds that have been packaged for a maximum of 12 months. After all, they were probably stored somewhere for some time before packaging.

How to properly grow this fiery miracle

If you sow peppers at the end of February - at the beginning of March, you will wait for the harvest from June to August (or even December, it all depends on the variety). The ripening period of each plant is written on the seed bag.

  • Soak the seeds in water.
  • Sow them in nutritious, loose soil. A good option: sand + humus + leaf soil.
  • Deepen the seeds by 0.5 cm. Between the seeds, leave 5 cm of free space on each side - this space is needed for future roots.
  • Grow them under a greenhouse (transparent glass, film). Don’t forget to ventilate this greenhouse every day, opening it for 10 minutes. At the same time, spray the soil.
  • Make sure there is plenty of light near the pot. In winter, it is better to place an ultraviolet lamp next to the pot - there is no need to replace it with a regular incandescent lamp, it will dry out the soil and burn the leaves of the seedlings.
  • Pepper seeds and sprouts also need warmth. A regular battery will do the job. But remember: while warming the tender sprouts, it regularly steals moisture from the soil, evaporating it. So water or spray the soil more often. It should always be slightly damp.
  • Grown sprouts should be planted in separate pots. Are you worried whether it will work? For the first time, you can germinate seeds in peat tablets. They can then be planted in a pot together with the sprout - the peat decomposes, turning into light and nutritious soil.
  • When picking, you can pinch off a third of the root. After this, you need to grow the sprouts under greenhouses (put a transparent bag on each pot).
  • The pot for the plant should be spacious.

Remember: having bought different varieties of capsicum, you can grow them either in separate containers or in a common box. But in the latter case, you take a risk - the peppers will generously share pollen with each other.

So, not only can the shape and shade of the fruit surprise you, but it will also be impossible to collect seeds for propagation (they will not bear all the varietal characteristics of their mother plant).

But if the variety is really interesting and rare, it can be propagated by cuttings. It will take root in water within a month.

Bonchi: pepper bonsai

The photo shows the Bolivian Rainbow variety. Although bonsai can be grown from any other variety of pepper.

You can start working either with seeds (they need to be germinated) or with an adult plant (it is trimmed as much as possible and planted in a shallow “bowl”). To make the trunk thick, the plant should be grown in a large pot, and then cut off (not only the branches, but also the roots) and planted in the pot.

You can see the work with a pepper dug up in the garden and transplanted into a bonsai pot here:

Caring for adult decorative peppers

  • Lighting still needs to be great. If flowers bloom on the pepper and then begin to fall off, this is a sign that the bush needs to be moved to a more illuminated room.
  • The plant needs regular watering. Take warm water.
  • In summer, the plant does well at 25 degrees and above (so feel free to place it on an open balcony, even in direct sun - just not in midday, this is still too much). In winter, the room should not be colder than 16 degrees.
  • During the active growing season (until the ovaries appear on the bush), apply fertilizer. A good solution is mineral fertilizers (during the period of growth of green mass - with nitrogen, later - with potassium and phosphorus). Don't trust store-bought formulas? Dissolve the ash (1 tablespoon per 1.5 liters of water), but do not forget to leave this solution for a couple of days and then strain.
  • At the end of January, think about nutrition again, and maybe you will be able to “persuad” the pepper to bloom again. But don't forget that it must receive enough light!
  • After harvesting, prune by removing a third of all branches.

Pest Control

  • Decorative peppers can be attacked by spider mites. You can get rid of them using traditional methods: spray the bush with a soap solution. You can make the medicine “more vigorous” by adding ground powder of the fruits of this very plant. Peppers will not harm their native fruits, but insects will be repelled forever.
  • Aphids are another enemy. Save yourself from it with the same soap solution. Of course, a flower shop may offer to buy an insecticide... But you should not spray poison on a plant whose fruits will be used for food, much less for treatment.

To prevent pests from sticking to the pepper, do not keep the bush in dry air. In winter, when the radiator is drying out the apartment, spray it (but try not to get it on the flowers - it’s rare that any flower likes such procedures).

And when the pepper yields, part of it can be used to prepare medicines or hot spices, and part of it can be dried to collect seeds. An experienced indoor gardener will tell you how to do this:

Decorative indoor pepper- an unpretentious plant that pleases the eye with bright fruits of various colors.

Hot pepper Grows well and bears fruit in an apartment, on a windowsill. To obtain beautiful fruits, decorative peppers require proper care and cultivation.

Let's look at the secrets of growing decorative indoor peppers, proper care, feeding, watering, replanting, propagation, and use.

Pepper prefers bright diffused light, but should be shaded from direct sunlight from spring to autumn, otherwise there may be a risk of sunburn.

In summer, take the pots with indoor peppers outdoors, in partial shade. In autumn and winter, pepper needs additional lighting; with a lack of light, it stretches out and bears less fruit, losing its decorative appearance.

Optimal air temperature when growing decorative peppers, 20-25 degrees. The rooms in which plants grow must be ventilated; pepper does not tolerate musty rooms.

If in winter you do not have the opportunity to organize additional lighting, move the plant to a cool place with moderate temperatures. 15 degrees.

Indoor pepper loves moisture, therefore, from spring to autumn it is necessary to water abundantly, as the top layer of soil dries out. In autumn, watering is done moderately, reducing the frequency. It is better to water the plants with soft, settled, warm water (room temperature).

In summer, spend your daily spraying plants warm water; pepper loves high humidity.

To obtain abundant fruiting, pepper needs to be grown on time. pinch. This is usually done when the first ovaries appear, pinching the tips of the branches.

When growing ornamental peppers for many years, it is necessary to shape the bush to enhance growth processes. The shoots of the plant are cut to half their length or more.

Some varieties of abundantly fruiting peppers need supports to prevent branches from breaking off.

From spring to late autumn, indoor peppers are fed complex fertilizers 1 time every 2 weeks.

Pepper responds well to feeding with wood ash. In the autumn-winter period, fertilizing is reduced to 1 time every 3 weeks, subject to temperature conditions and additional lighting. Otherwise, no feeding is carried out.

Every year in the spring hot pepper it is necessary to transship with partial replacement of the old substrate with a new one. To prepare the substrate with your own hands, you will need to mix leaf soil, turf soil, peat and sand in the following proportions: 1:1:1:1/4.

Provide good drainage at the bottom of the pot.

Full plant transplantation is also possible, but with such an operation there is a risk of severe damage to the root system. After such an event, plants need strict proper care.

Peppers are propagated with the help of ripening seeds in fruits. Sow the seeds in the prepared soil to a depth of 1 cm, sprinkle with earth. Usually after 7-15 days the first shoots appear.

Indoor pepper blooms with white flowers, giving it a decorative appearance.

Difficulties in growing

-- There are few fruits on the bushes - try to pollinate the flowers yourself using a soft brush;
-- In winter, when the air is very dry and warm, fruits and leaves may fall off;
-- Overwatering pepper or watering it with cold water leads to rotting of the roots.
-- Too dry indoor air leads to the appearance of spider mites on plants. To combat aphids and mites, grind hot peppercorns and leave in warm water for 24 hours in a ratio of 1:10. Before spraying, add 1 tsp per 1 liter of water. grated soap and spray the plants three times, with an interval of 5 days.

Having a fruit-bearing plant at home is very beneficial. In addition to the lemon tree, you can often see indoor pepper on the kitchen windowsill. To grow this plant at home, you need to know some nuances, as well as the features of caring for it. Our article today will tell you about this and much more.


A houseplant like pepper is a bush descended from species growing in the undergrowth. Despite the fact that these varieties grow in shady conditions, there are certain nuances to growing them in an apartment.

When growing ornamental peppers, you must remember that they come from the south. Therefore, for him, the combination of conditions such as cloudy weather and short daylight hours is a real test. The plant tolerates a lack of light especially hard during the period from November to January. If there is not enough light, then the pepper stops growing and blooming. In this case, the answer to the question “why do pepper flowers fall off” will be a lack of light. With short daylight, the plant begins to shed not only flowers, but also leaves. Due to this need, in winter, peppers grown at home must be additionally illuminated. To do this, use phytolamps (the light source can be any). Remember, this crop requires 12 hours of daylight.

Being a perennial plant, pepper can live in a home for up to 10 years if properly cared for. Caring for it begins at the stage of soil preparation.

To grow seedlings, it is recommended to use purchased soil mixtures, but for a pot (permanent container), you should prepare the soil yourself.

When preparing the soil, you need to remember that pepper loves slightly acidic soil (pH 6.5-7). Therefore, to make a soil mixture it is necessary to use the following ingredients:

  • leaf or compost humus (4 parts);
  • neutralized peat (4 parts);
  • agroperlite or vermiculite (2 parts). This ingredient allows the soil to retain moisture well and also prevents it from becoming too compacted.

When the soil mixture is ready, it needs to be poured into the selected container. However, before this, clean gravel or garden expanded clay must be placed on the bottom of the pot. The layer thickness is 2-3 cm. This will create good drainage. Some gardeners advise adding humus and compost, as well as river sand, to the nutrient soil.

Seeds are planted randomly. After this, they must be sprinkled with a small layer of soil that has been sifted. Usually the first shoots appear on the 15th day after sowing the seed. After they appear, you need to pinch the top to prevent the shoot from being pulled out. Picking is usually carried out a month after sowing the seeds.

Pepper grown in an apartment or house must have the following care:

If the plant is cared for correctly, it will bloom with small white flowers. During this period, indoor pepper takes on a particularly impressive and decorative appearance.

It is worth noting that the formation of fruits does not require artificial pollination. When the harvest has been harvested, it is necessary to rejuvenate the pepper. To do this, it is transplanted into new land. Replanting should be done carefully so as not to damage the root system.

It is recommended to replant the plant into new soil and pot every three years. During transplantation, it is necessary to remove too powerful and old shoots. Pruning will make decorative peppers not only fruitful, but also beautiful.

If the bush is not properly cared for, various diseases may appear on it. Diseases especially often develop due to improper watering or insufficient lighting.

As you can see, pepper is an easy crop to grow at home. The main thing is to create the right conditions for it.

Video “Description”

From the video you will learn a lot of interesting things about this indoor vegetable.

Varieties of varieties

It is necessary to understand that pepper in a pot is a purely conditional thing. Since any hot pepper can grow in such conditions if it has the appropriate bush size and easy care. Therefore, bitter pepper for growing at home can be of any type. You can choose from varieties designed to grow in open or closed ground.

When choosing a variety, you need to remember the existence of Nightshade false pepper or “Jerusalem cherry”. The fruits of this plant are poisonous.

In addition to the species described above, you can grow the following varieties at home:

  • Poinsettia. On the bush, the fruits form peculiar bunches at the ends of the branches. Thanks to this, they resemble unusual flowers. The length of the fruit is 7.5 cm. They are characterized by a pungent taste;
  • Garda Firewall. The plant forms low bushes - no higher than 30 cm. The bush is usually densely strewn with fruits that stick up. The pods can have several colors at the same time: orange, green, red and lilac. Their length is 5.5 cm. They have a rather pungent taste;
  • Nosegay. This is the smallest and most compact variety. Its height does not exceed 15 cm. The plant produces round and small fruits. Their color changes from green, cream and orange to red as they ripen. The fruits have a medium-sharp taste.

Particularly decorative varieties of pepper include the following varieties:

These are not all varieties that can be grown at home. However, they are the most popular.

Common Mistakes

When growing peppers in an apartment, you need to know about the most common mistakes so as not to make them. Otherwise, the bush is attacked by various diseases. The fight against them, even if started immediately after the first signs of illness are detected, will not always be able to save the plant from death.

The very first mistake that inexperienced gardeners make is failure to comply with the water regime. The plant should not be watered with cold water. Such watering will lead to rotting of the root system.

Since pepper is a heat-loving crop, it needs to be watered only with water at room temperature.

When placing the pot near heating systems, watering should be done every other day, as the soil will dry out quite quickly. In such conditions, it is recommended to place a container of water near the pot for evaporation. Under normal conditions, this procedure is carried out twice a week.

In addition to improper watering, the most common mistakes include the following:

If the pot has been on the loggia or in a summer greenhouse for some time, then when moved into the house, the pepper may begin to shed its leaves. This situation reflects a lack of light. To solve the problem, it is necessary to install additional lighting. If you do not need flowering, you can simply cut the shoots radically by about 1/3, and also stop abundant watering. However, remember that in such a situation you should not allow the soil to dry out.

Useful properties and applications

Potted pepper grown at home can be used as an ingredient in various dishes. It can be used to prepare hot sauces and seasonings. But it can also be added during canning.

Hot pepper pods are an excellent appetite stimulant. This plant is considered medicinal, as it is part of many healing tinctures. They are prescribed for gastrointestinal disorders, radiculitis and neuralgia. They are also actively used to prevent burns. But remember that pepper tinctures cannot be used for diseases of the pancreas and liver.

Pepper is a very popular crop, which today is actively grown not only in greenhouses and open ground, but also at home. To get a good harvest, as well as a beautiful appearance of the bush itself, you need to follow simple rules of care, and also know the most common mistakes. In general, caring for peppers at home is quite simple.

Video “Growing”

From the video you will learn how to grow this vegetable.

The miniature indoor pepper grows well on the windowsill and is an excellent source of spices for preparing amazing dishes in the kitchen. At home, various types and varieties of ornamental crops are often used. Decorative pepper is loved by many for its original appearance and ease of growing.

Description of the plant

The biological name of indoor pepper is capsicum. Often decorative indoors, although it is also possible to grow it in open ground. Such species are used as food and have some medicinal properties.

Ornamental peppers were brought from America and Asia. It contains a large amount of useful substances and vitamins. In our country, peppers are mainly grown to produce an ornamental plant with beautiful leaves and, less often, to produce edible fruits.

Peppers in a pot come in a variety of shapes:

  • small;
  • large;
  • pointed;
  • rounded;
  • pear-shaped;
  • elongated.

Depending on the varietal qualities, the fruits can grow up or down. Growing ornamental peppers requires time and careful care.

Important! Ornamental peppers in pots can bear fruit at home for four years with proper care.

When growing peppers, there are some requirements for indoor conditions:

  1. The temperature in the room should be within 25 degrees Celsius.
  2. Air circulation.
  3. Sufficient lighting.
  4. Regular watering.
  5. Trimming.

Important: When flowers form, it is necessary to pinch the sprouts; this has a great effect on the formation of a beautiful, strong bush.

Caring for decorative peppers also involves pruning, which is carried out after flowering. Peppers are very demanding when it comes to fertilizing, so they should be fertilized about 2 times a week. In winter, the plant does not require additional feeding and therefore regular watering and lighting are sufficient.

To stimulate the plant to grow, develop and bear fruit, it is recommended to replant it approximately once a year.

Selection of planting material

To get healthy plants, first of all, you need to decide on the choice of seed material. Ornamental peppers are best propagated by seeds; in order to understand how to grow plants from seeds, you need to take into account some points:

  1. Seeds are collected from dried fruits.
  2. Seeds should be collected from the bush you like, taking into account the shape of the fruit.

Hot pepper seeds, as a rule, can be stored for five years, but seeds collected a year before planting have the best germination rate. Therefore, it is better to plant seeds from last year, as this will ensure a good harvest.

Important! Seeds collected for storage should not have mechanical damage or signs of disease. Benign seed material should have a yellowish color.

Varieties differ in terms of ripening:

  • early ripeness;
  • medium ripeness;
  • late ripening.

Early ripening varieties bear fruit 70–95 days after planting in pots. Peppers from mid-season varieties appear after 110 days, late ones - after 130 days.

The pepper bushes, which reach a height of 35 centimeters, amaze with their splendor. In general, the height of peppers grown in pots can vary from 20 to 100 cm in height.

Agrotechnics of cultivation

One pot is enough for planting. Planting consists of the following steps:

  1. Filling the bottom of the drainage container. Small expanded clay stones can be used as drainage.
  2. Backfilling soil with neutral acidity; specially purchased soil is best, since soil collected from the site may contain disease microbes or pest larvae that negatively affect seed germination.
  3. Before planting, the seeds are soaked in water at room temperature for about 2 hours. This time will be enough for swelling; biostimulants such as “EPIN” or “ZIRCON” can be added to the solution. These drugs stimulate the germination of healthy shoots.
  4. Distribution of seeds on the soil surface, maintaining the optimal distance between them. Seeds are planted in moist soil, but not wet.
  5. Sprinkle the seeds with soil to a depth of 50 millimeters.
  6. Moisten the soil with a spray bottle.
  7. Cover with film to create a greenhouse effect.

After the emergence of seedlings, they need to be regularly inspected and moistened, avoiding overwatering.

Every day the film should be lifted for some time, ventilation should be increased every day, and after strong young shoots appear, the greenhouse effect should be eliminated and the plants should be allowed to adapt to normal conditions.

As the above-ground mass of plants increases and when 2 true leaves appear, the peppers are transplanted to a permanent place. If the plant is planted in a separate pot, then it should be transplanted into a container with a larger feeding area, this will ensure full growth and development of ornamental peppers.

In general, when growing ornamental peppers, you need to adhere to the following rule: “one plant - one pot.” Mass plantings are unacceptable for indoor peppers.

Stimulating flowering and fruiting

Care to stimulate peppers to produce flowers is the following:

  • to increase the number of ovaries, the pot with the plant should be shaken periodically;
  • providing access to sunlight;
  • ensuring systematic irrigation.

Important! Usually the first flowers on the peppers fall off, but then new ones appear that bear fruit, so you should not despair and continue to provide care.

Growing conditions

Ornamental pepper is demanding on the sun; if there is not enough, the leaf plates suffer and are damaged, as a result of which the plant may not develop and become deformed. Do not place pepper pots on shelves, refrigerators or cabinets. If there is not enough light, additional lighting should be provided.

Be sure to moisten the plant every day by spraying it with a spray bottle. The water should be at room temperature; the pepper does not tolerate refrigeration.

Between March and October, peppers should be fertilized; special fertilizers for nightshade crops are suitable for this plant. Fertilizers can be purchased at a specialty store and used according to the instructions on the package.

Around the end of summer, pruning can be done, but only if the pepper has formed rather long branches. The pepper bush should be pleasing to the eye and compact. When pruning, you do not need to touch the main trunk, otherwise this may lead to the death of the plant.

Caring for miniature peppers in winter

According to biological characteristics, decorative indoor pepper is a perennial plant that, with good care, can bear fruit for 4–5 years. The main care during this period is transshipment of plants in order to renew the soil. The soil needs to be updated every spring. For comfortable overwintering, there are three growing options:

  • after fruiting, collect seeds for propagation and discard the adult plant;
  • to preserve it, it should be placed in a bright place and provided with regular watering;
  • To preserve an adult plant and obtain a harvest in winter, additional lighting should be provided; for this, lamps are installed and fertilizing continues.


This paper discusses the main points of caring for and growing ornamental peppers at home. A bush of such a plant will delight you with its appearance and piquant taste.

gastroguru 2017